On the Last Episode of Spider Wars:
Septimus had conquered the O’Hare homeland after the
invader Rufus had drawn the O’Hare army to the north. O’Hare had retreated to regroup in the Rainy
Plains, while Rufus was smitten by the beast of the Underworld.
Today on Spider Wars:
Wasting away in the Rainy Plains, O’Hare appeals to the
mercy of the Beings of the Underworld to purge O’Hare territory of the usurper,
Septimus, before the rains return.
Hearing his pleas, the Beings send a gale force wind against Septimus’
army. Septimus, angered by the Beings’
wrath, charge for to the Underworld only to be met by the guardian,
Ripplestiltskin. After an intense
battle, Septimus returned to the Ceiling, bruised and bloodied, eventually
succumbing to his wounds. O’Hare, weak
from enduring the Plains’ storms, passed, leaving his army in the charge of his
daughter, Twyla.