
After three years of intense focus on therapy and personal growth, I'm finally hitting the keys again and will be jumping into NaNoWriMo on November 1st, 2016. Stay tuned for updates!

Tuesday 27 November 2012


Appropriately, I think my first post should be about the book that has changed my way of thinking and approaching writing, which has caused me to actually start doing it on a daily basis; a goal I have been trying to achieve for the majority of my life.

Kleon's book, Steal Like an Artist, threw open the windows and let me peer into the world of successful writing with his 10 things he wish he'd known; like sharing your ideas and work.

This is what this blog is about.  I have had a diverse employment background, but all roads have led me back to theatre, where I work primarily as a stage manager.  This pays my bills and keeps me current with the artistic pulse of my community.  My passion for writing has existed since I was a small child, but I have always had trouble getting past the title (as a kid, I wrote a book of titles).  The thought of actually having to come up with and write an entire story has been daunting, if not debilitating, to say the least.

The thing I most attribute to Kleon, is his ability to break down the writing process so simply that it smashed through the wall that my fears had built and empowered me to be comfortable with obscurity and my small daily writing successes (the sum of which I hope will be a finished novel and a future career as an authour... I'll keep you posted!)

The reason I find Kleon's book so accessible, is because it is short, direct and simple to follow.  Most of all, it makes you feel like you are not alone, something very important in what can be a very lonely profession.  The fact that everyone feels insecure about their work and fears that one day the ideas will just stop coming is so reassuring.  It is exactly what the unknown authour needs to hear.  It also tells you to enjoy your obscurity while you have it because no one is judging you right now.  This is the time to take risks, be wild and creative because you have not yet been pigeon-holed or fit into a genre or style.  It's a great place for a writer to be.

My inaugural theft has been from Kleon.  Theft is more like thefts, which are most of the ideas that he talks about in this book, including this blog.  Also, my work progress calendar, the way I rearranged my house to create an appropriate analog workspace and the freedom to steal good ideas to make my own better.  For these and many more things, I am very thankful!

So, Mr. Kleon, this blog is for you!

If you would like a copy of Kleon's book, you can get it most places books are sold.  Check out Chapters, Indigo or  I found my copy at Urban Outfitters for $10.95.  Go figure!  You never know where you will find something that will change your life...

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